Note: The Practice Points are developed by the SMPC of the ACP. The Practice Points are “guides” only and may not apply to all patients and all clinical situations. All Practice Points are considered automatically withdrawn or invalid 5 years after publication, or once an update has been issued.
Financial Statement: Financial support for the development of the Practice Points comes exclusively from the ACP operating budget.
Corresponding Author: Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA, American College of Physicians, 190 N. Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106; e-mail,
[email protected].
Current Author Addresses: Dr. Qaseem: American College of Physicians, 190 N Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Dr. Yost: 800 Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19085.
Dr. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta: 1, Santa Margarita Hospital Street, Ground Floor 2, Office 1, Room 2, 20303 Irun, Gipuzkoa, Spain.
Dr. Abraham: 123 Summer Street, Suite 370, North Worcester, MA 01608.
Dr. Jokela: Carle Forum, 611 West Park, Urbana, IL 61801.
Dr. Forciea: 3615 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Dr. Miller: Penn Medicine Radnor, 145 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA 19087.
Dr. Humphrey: 12310 Northwest Tualatin Avenue, Portland, OR 97229.
Author Contributions: Conception and design: A. Qaseem, J. Yost, I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, M.A. Forciea, R. Haeme, D.L. Kansagara, M. Marcucci, A. Obley.
Analysis and interpretation of the data: A. Qaseem, J. Yost, I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, J.A. Jokela, M.A. Forciea, L.L. Humphrey, R. Haeme, A.J. Obley.
Drafting of the article: A. Qaseem, J. Yost, I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, G.M. Abraham, R. Haeme, D.L. Kansagara.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: A. Qaseem, J. Yost, I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, G.M. Abraham, J.A. Jokela, M.A. Forciea, M.C. Miller, L.L. Humphrey, E.A. Akl, R. Andrews, R.M. Centor, R. Haeme, D.L. Kansagara, M. Marcucci, A.J. Obley.
Final approval of the article: A. Qaseem, J. Yost, I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, G.M. Abraham, J.A. Jokela, M.A. Forciea, M.C. Miller, L.L. Humphrey, E.A. Akl, R. Andrews, T.A. Bledsoe, R.M. Centor, R. Haeme, D.L. Kansagara, M. Marcucci.
Provision of study materials or patients: I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta.
Statistical expertise: A. Qaseem, I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta.
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: A. Qaseem, J. Yost.
Collection and assembly of data: J. Yost, I. Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta.
This article was published at on 5 October 2020.
* This paper, written by Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; Jennifer Yost, RN, PhD; Itziar Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, PharmD, PhD; George M. Abraham, MD, MPH; Janet A. Jokela, MD, MPH; Mary Ann Forciea, MD; Matthew C. Miller, MD; and Linda L. Humphrey, MD, MPH, was developed for the Scientific Medical Policy Committee of the American College of Physicians. Individuals who served on the Scientific Medical Policy Committee from initiation of the project until its approval were Linda L. Humphrey, MD, MPH (Chair)†; Robert M. Centor, MD (Vice Chair)†; Elie A. Akl, MD, MPH, PhD‡; Rebecca Andrews MS, MD†; Thomas A. Bledsoe, MD‡; Mary Ann Forciea, MD†; Ray Haeme†§; Janet A. Jokela, MD, MPH†; Devan L. Kansagara, MD, MCR†; Maura Marcucci, MD, MSc†; Matthew C. Miller, MD†; and Adam Jacob Obley, MD‡. Approved by the ACP Executive Committee of the Board of Regents on Behalf of the Board of Regents on 14 August 2020.
† Author (participated in discussion and voting).
‡ Nonauthor contributor (participated in discussion but excluded from voting).
§ Nonphysician public representative.
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